Reward & Loyalty

Style Icon:
Become a style icon with your awards. Earn 15 points with every $1 spent & receive member only benefits:
- Society news
- invitations to Cult Moda Society events
- $25 off your first order

Fashion Guru:
Earn 20,000 society points to become a fashion guru. You will continue to earn 15 points for every dollar spent and Cult Moda benefits:
- society news
- invitations to Cult Moda Society events
- one-on-one styling on-line or in our showroom
- anniversary gifts

Runway Royalty:
Earn 80,000 society points to feel like royalty. You will now earn 20 points per dollar spent as well as more benefits:
- society news
- invitation to mode society event
- one-on- one styling online or in our showroom
- anniversary gift
- early access to new arrivals
- early access to sale
- 10% off each order